The Captivating Lady Charlotte - Discussion Guide & more
Discussion Guide
Which character in this novel do you identify with the most? Why?
In the novel, William is faced with a series of challenges relating to his ability to trust. Have you ever had a situation where your trust in others has been challenged? How did you deal with it?
Learning to love is an important theme in this novel. If you were asked to describe ‘true love’ what would you say?
As the daughter of parents who are desperate for their child to marry well Charlotte struggles with their interference. Have you ever had to deal with an interfering person? How did you deal with it?
If you could give Charlotte one piece of advice, what would it be? What advice would you give William?
In what ways do Charlotte and William change throughout the novel? What do you consider to be the biggest factor(s) in their change?
Lavinia refers to a number of Bible verses during her time of grief. Have you found particular Bible verses comforting? If so, which ones?
While this is a work of fiction, certain historical elements are referenced, such as the visit to Vauxhall Gardens and the parade and celebrations following the victory in the Napoleonic Wars. How did these historical details affect the narrative? How did they help you to feel a sense of time and place?
What were the most appealing parts of the book?
10. What do you think happens next?
Romance, Responsibility and True Love...
The Captivating Lady Charlotte includes a number of historical events to do with the (supposed!) peace with Napoleon in 1814. Some images linking to these events, and more from behind the scenes, can be found on my Pinterest board, here:
The Captivating Lady Charlotte is now also available in German! Find out more here.
The Language of Flowers
Young ladies in Regency times were well versed in understanding the meanings behind the choice of flowers they might be given by an admirer. While we might all associate a red rose with true love, or associate mistletoe with kissing, did you know these other meanings of popular flowers?
* bluebell = humility * daffodil = regard; unrequited * crocus = cheerfulness love
* daisy = innocence * hydrangea = heartlessness (!)
* jonquil = affection returned * marigold = cruelty; grief
* rose (pink) = friendship * rose (white) = innocence
* sweet pea = goodbye * violet (blue) = faithfulness